Land Claiming

ZuneMC Land Claiming

On this page we will explain in short how you can claim land on our server!

How to start with land claiming

Create a land with

/Lands create example

before you create

you can name the land in whatever you want but it should not include spaces as those will be ignored by creation of the new land!

Use /Lands claim to claim the area

If no selection made, it will claim the chunk you're standing on.

If no land has been created before, it will automatically create a land with your name.

Unclaim a chunk.

/Lands unclaim

Unclaim all chunks for the land.

/Lands unclaimall

To use the commands for a different land

Execute /Lands edit [land]

All following commands will be executed for this land.

Rename land.

/Lands rename [land] [new name]

Set spawn for land.

/Lands setspawn

(this costs 50 dollars in-game} to relocate the spawn!

Show lands map.

/Lands map

Leave a land.

/Lands leave [land]

Delete your land.

/Lands delete

Trust Players

Execute /Lands trust [player] Alternatively open your land menu and go to players

and click on the 'Trust Player' button.

Untrust Players

Execute /Lands untrust [player] Alternatively open your land menu and go to players

and click on the 'Untrust Player' button.

Accept land invites.

/Lands accept [land]

Deny land invite.

/Lands deny 

Last Updated: 02 October 2022 04:19

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