Skills and Abilities


There are 15 skills, each of which has a unique combination of two stats that it rewards. Level up skills by gaining XP by doing certain actions depending on the skill. All skills are easily viewable in GUI menus, accessible using /skills.

Skill Names and Descriptions

- Farming - Harvest crops to earn Farming XP

- Foraging - Cut trees to earn Foraging XP

- Mining - Mine stone and ores to earn Mining XP

- Fishing - Catch fish to earn Fishing XP

- Excavation - Dig with a shovel to earn Excavation XP

- Archery - Shoot mobs and players with a bow to earn Archery XP

- Defense - Take damage from entities to earn Defense XP

- Fighting - Fight mobs with melee weapons to earn Fighting XP

- Endurance - Walk and run to earn Endurance XP

- Agility - Jump and take fall damage to earn Agility XP

- Alchemy - Brew potions to earn Alchemy XP

- Enchanting - Enchant items and books to earn Enchanting XP

- Sorcery - Use mana abilities to earn Sorcery XP

- Healing - Drink and splash potions to earn Healing XP

- Forging - Combine and apply books in an anvil to earn Forging XP


There are 6 stats that buff the player:

Strength ➽ Increases attack damage

Health ❤ Increases max health

Regeneration ❥ Increases health and mana regen speed

Luck ☘ Increases luck attribute and double drop chance for common blocks

Wisdom ✿ Increases experience gain, max mana, and decreases anvil costs

Toughness ✦ Reduces incoming damage

These stats are leveled up simply by leveling up skills. You can buff/nerf stats and configure which skills level up which stats.

Stats are easily viewable through the Stats Menu by doing /stats


Abilities are perks and buffs that you unlock and level up as you level up skills. Each skill has up to 5 abilities, giving many different perks. Abilities are passive, meaning they do not require any Extra player input to activate or use.

Some Abilities and Descriptions

Here are some abilities and their descriptions to give a general idea of what abilities do, there are 70 in total!

Bountiful Harvest (Farming) - Chance to get double drops from crops

Shredder (Foraging) - Chance to deal triple durability damage with axes

Pick Master (Mining) - Deal more damage with pickaxes

Treasure Hunter (Fishing) - Chance to get rare loot from fishing (customizable loot tables)

Piercing (Archery) - Chance for arrows to pierce through mobs

No Debuff (Defense) - Chance to negative a harmful potion effect from being applied

Bleed (Fighting) - Chance to make the enemy bleed, dealing damage every few seconds

Meal Steal (Endurance) - Chance to steal 1 hunger point when attacking a player

Thunder Fall (Agility) - When sneaking during a fall, you have a chance to deal a percentage of the fall damage expected to mobs in a 3 block radius

Alchemist (Alchemy) - Potions you brew have a longer duration

Life Steal (Healing) - Heal a percentage of the max HP of hostile mobs and players you kill

Mana Abilities

Mana Abilities are a special type of ability that costs mana to use and are active, meaning they require the player to activate or use. By default, mana abilities are unlocked at level 7 of that skill and increase in level every 7 levels. Level increases can change duration/power, cooldown, and mana cost.

List of Mana Abilities

Not every skill has a mana ability yet, but here are the skills that do:

Replenish (Farming) - Replants crops automatically for a certain duration. Right-click with a hoe and break a crop to activate. Works with wheat, carrots, potatoes, nether wart, and beetroot.

Treecapitator (Foraging) - Breaks entire trees instantly for a certain duration. Right-click with an axe and break a log to activate. Works best with oak, birch, and spruce trees (One block wide). The algorithm is not final and will be improved later on to work perfectly with all tree types.

Speed Mine (Mining) - Gives Haste 10 for a certain duration. Right-click with a pickaxe and break stone or an ore to activate.

Sharp Hook (Fishing) - Deal damage to a hooked entity when left-clicking with a fishing rod'

Terraform (Excavation) - Break blocks instantly in a 4 block radius in the same layer when digging. You must use a shovel and Extra blocks broken must be the same type and in a single connected vein. Right click shovel and dig block to activate.

Charged Shot (Archery) - Arrows you shoot will deal more damage based on how far the bow was pulled back, consuming mana in the process. Does more damage per mana consumed. Left click a bow to toggle charged shot mode.

Absorption (Defense) - Incoming damage will decrease mana by 2x Minecraft damage instead of your health. Mana will not regenerate while Absorption is active. Left click shield and take damage to activate.

Lightning Blade (Fighting) - Increases attack speed by _% for _ seconds. Right click sword and attack mob to activate.


Last Updated: 18 October 2022 21:19

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