
Jobs List

- Woodcutter - In this job you need to chop & plant trees to earn money.

- Miner - In this job you need to mine minerals & ores to earn money.

- Builder - In this job you need to build any structure to earn money.

- Digger - This job involves terraforming the world in order to earn money.

- Farmer - In this job you need to do any farming activity to earn money.

- Hunter - In this job you need to kill wild animals & monsters to earn money.

- Explorer - In this job you need to explore the map in order to earn money.

- Crafter - In this job you need to craft items to earn money.

- Fisherman - In this job you need to catch fish to earn money.

- Weaponsmith - In this job you need to craft & repair weapons to earn money.

- Brewer - In this job you need to brew potions to earn money.

- Enchanter - In this job you need to enchant items to earn money.

- Smelter - In this job you need to smelt items to earn money.

- Caretaker - In this job you need to take care of animals to earn money.

- Cooker - In this job you need to cook food to earn money.

- Baker - In this job you need to bake food to earn money.

- Taster - In this job you need to taste food to earn money.

The point shop (Jobs shop)

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Last Updated: 04 October 2022 23:46

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