

18+ Task Types, 16 Categories and more then 1200+ Quests

Current Categories:

Farming Quests

(305 quests) In this category you can find quests related to farming in which you have to harvest,break,collect certain items/blocks.

Mining Quests

(204 quests) In this category you can find quests related to mining in which you have to break certain blocks.

Collecting Quests

(162 quests) In this category you can find quests related to collecting in which you have to collect certain items/blocks.

Hunter Quests

(148 quests) In this category you can find quests related to hunting in which you have to kill certain entities.

Enchanting Quests

(12 quests) In this category you can find quests related to enchanting in which you have to enchant certain amount of items.

Brewing Quests

(4 quests) In this category you can find quests related to brewing in which you have to brew certain amount of potions.

Woodcutting Quests

(32 quests) In this category you can find quests related to woodcutting in which you have to cut certain wood.

Building Quests

(113 quests) In this category you can find quests related to building in which you have to place certain blocks.

Crafting Quests

(43 quests) In this category you can find quests related to crafting in which you have to craft certain items/blocks.

Fishing Quests

(4 quests) In this category you can find quests related to fishing in which you have to catch certain amount of fish.

Digging Quests

(40 quests) In this category you can find quests related to digging in which you have to dig certain blocks.

Activities Quests

(16 quests) In this category you can find quests related to animals in which you have to tame,breed,shear certain animals.

Misc Quests

(12 quests) In this category you can find miscellaneous quests in which you have to do certain things.

Impossible Quests

(41 quests) In this category you can find the most impossible quests in which you have to do certain things.

Weaponsmith Quests

(59 quests) In this category you can find quests related to weapon smithing in which you have to craft certain armor/tools.

EXP Quests

(45 quests) In this category you can find a variety of quests in which you have to do certain things to earn exp as reward. 

Last Updated: 02 October 2022 04:20

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